The types of pests that can attack crops and animals and their classification

For all those who are dedicated to the world of agriculture and livestock, there is a great enemy that is very difficult to eradicate. And it is that over and above the mismanagement that the government does in terms of costs, salaries or unfulfilled promises, there is nothing more unfair than a plague that it ends with everything that has been cultivating and taking care of for a good part of the time. Today in Taxus&Reels We are talking about the types of pests that can attack crops and animals and their classification.

The types of pests that can attack crops and animals.

And it is that a plague can destroy anything, you just have to see what happens when there are mealybugs in a wooden house, which suddenly collapses from one moment to another. The worst thing about pests is how fast they spread, and how difficult they are to get rid of.

That's why you always have to be on the lookout have some emergency contacts and certain protocols to go to in case of suspecting that we may be suffering from any. Sure, the moment we see some component of it, It's a little late to act but you can always put a solution.

The types of pests that can attack crops and their classification by the frequency with which they appear

Let's do a classification of the types of pests that can affect crops, that is, agricultural pests. And the factor that we will use to classify them is the frequency with which they can appear in the crops. We are going to classify them into potential, occasional, persistent, migrant, direct and indirect.

some types of pests

Potential Pests

These types of pests are called potential, since They do not usually pose a danger to crops. It's usually because no ideal conditions for propagation of the same or do not usually reproduce at high speeds. But if they did, they would pose a threat to the crops.

Occasional Pests

We call occasional pests those that are they give at certain times of the year. Its action and problems are conditioned by the seasons and the climate that accompanies the changes in temperature and humidity that accompany them.

Persistent pests, the worst types of pests that can attack crops

This type of pest are the most dangerous because they are the ones that kill everything they catch in their path. They do not understand seasons or seasons. Only good weather conditions for their reproduction and for crops and vegetables to feed on.

Migrating Pests

These types of pests are usually pests that come to a place and they end up with the population of plants or animals of a site, since they feed on them. Also called invasive species. They arrive from other continents and reproduce at very fast speeds, beginning to invade the native flora and fauna of the area until they destroy it.

Direct Pests

This type of pest is so named, because directly attacks an area of the plant or animal, be it an organ or root, leaves or fundamental part of the crop or livestock.

Indirect Pests

They do not directly damage parts harvested or cared for by man, so it does not usually have negative or economic consequences for the primary sector. These pests are usually not intrusive or worrisome.

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